Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ladybug infestations across the country how to get rid of them

The United States is experiencing swarms of ladybugs. The Today Show video below shows a swarm of lady bugs in Jefferson, Colorado. Lady bugs are new to the area shown in the video and many visitors came from miles away just to see them. But many other states have experienced ladybug swarms for long period of time.
In Pennsylvania about 10 years ago, aphids were eating crops and tress, so the state dropped ladybugs in certain areas, because it was the only bug that would eat the aphids. Over the past 10 years, the ladybug swarms have increased 100 fold, and have mutated into a strange version of the ladybug that bites. Some people believe that ladybugs are lucky, but when your house in infestited with them it freaks you out a little bit.
Ladybugs typically come out in the spring and the fall, and try to move inside when it gets cold. They have been known to freeze temporarily (overnight) and then come alive again when it gets warmer. Ladybug infestations are difficult to get rid of.  People have tried to vacuum them out of their house, but more come.  Some chemical bug sprays may work temporarily, but they can be dangerous to inhale.  It is easier to ensure that your house is sealed well to keep the ladybugs out to begin with.  Make sure that doors and windows are properly sealed.  Having the area around the outside of your house sprayed with big spray is also helpful.  See this link for more information.
Source techbanyan.com

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