Monday, October 12, 2009

The Leftist Liberal Progressive Bubble

This clique/crowd has an arrogant ignorant self-interested uneducated and uniformed membership.
Thou most obvious in the MSM it is often exhibited by film stars, politicians, public figures and TV stars.
How many times have you heard one of them open their mouth and utter incomprehensible gibberish often totally dis-proven or just plain fabricated?  The same phenomena is seen in blogs and “news” publications.
The key words are “arrogant” and “ignorant”, they think they are informed and educated when they are really very far from it. “Famous Psychiatrist: Liberals are Clinically Insane
Going to a College or University has no educational value nor does it make you “smart”.
Smart basically boils down to having common sense, recognizing your capabilities and learning about the things you need to know.
Pretending to be smart when you aren’t is worse than just admitting it’s beyond your abilities. Anybody with basic smarts will see right thru the bluff and minimally mark you as a fake.
Of course the fellow stupids consuming the BS will think it’s wonderful.
The big problem is that these people think that they are so superior to the other 90% of the people that they should be the ones that decide how everyone lives.
Thus we have the “Nanny State”, “Political Correctness”, Radical Marxism and Socialism infesting our country.
It’s a pansy passive wimpy attitude and mentality that encourages and rewards mediocrity; and discourages or punishes excellence.
For example we waste millions and millions of dollars in vehicles so a few thousand(1) out of 300,000,000+ drivers will survive their own often self-created accidents.  Pure stupidity!!  The simple basic design changes adopted many years ago are all that’s really justifiable.
A car that can be sold overseas for $8,000 at a profit costs ~$20,000 here because of all the stupid US “Nanny State” requirements.
This mentality is rampant and is costing us dearly in dollars and personal freedoms.
The 90% majority needs to put its foot down and tell the Leftist Liberal Progressives to shut up and get out of their faces and lives!
Malcolm T. Hedges

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