Sunday, September 27, 2009

Yom Kippur 2009/5770

2009-09-27 | Yom Kippur is the Holiest of days in the Jewish Calendar. Tonight, Jews all over the World will lead us in Remembrance of the Mercy of GOD.

Let us all - for the moment – put aside our criticisms of the Nation-State of Israel with its flagrant violations of the basic principles of Judaism and remember the reasons for Zionism.

For more than 2,000 years, Jews suffered persecution, culminating in the diabolic curse of the Shoah/Holocaust. Is it any wonder that many Jews would develop a sense of insecurity and seek a virtually impregnable fortress-like Nation-State ?

One of the reasons for the persecution is that Jews, throughout their History, have always been in the forefront of every Human Rights Movement. Many still are, including many in Israel. Those who seek to control us ignore this fact and support those Israelis who pervert Judaism, from Belief in a Just and Merciful GOD, into just another nationalistic idolatry.

Throughout History, Jews have survived by living in accordance with their Religious, Spiritual Beliefs. Now, however, like so many other nations, Israel seems to have succumbed to the temptations of trusting in military might, instead of GOD.

Let us all turn away from those who seek destruction and recognize our common Humanity, as part of GOD’s Beloved Creation !

During this Sacred Time, may we all realize that our Security rests in our Faithfulness to whatever Code of Ethics/Religion GOD has chosen to place in our Minds and Hearts.

Paul V. Rafferty

Please see the following information.

Yom Kippur: The Cycle of Forgiveness$Yom_KippurCOLON_The_Cycle_of_Forgiveness.php

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